
Greta Tunberg ima simptome koronavirusa

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Klimatska aktivistkinja Greta Tunberg rekla je da sumnja da je obolela od koronavirusa, jer oseća simptome, ali da ne može da se testira jer je u Švedskoj pravilo da se testiraju samo one osobe kojima je potrebna hitna medicinska pomoć.

„Prethodne dve nedelje nisam izlazila iz kuće. Kada sam se vratila sa puta iz centralne Evrope izolovala sam se u iznajmljenom stanu, da se sklonim od majke i sestre“, napisala je ona na Instagramu.

Tunberg je objasnila da je pre deset dana počela da oseća određene simptome, u isto vreme kad i njen otac, koji je putovao sa njom iz Brisela.

„Osećala sam se umorno, imala sam drhtavice, suvo grlo i kašljala sam. Moj tata je imao iste simptome, ali mnogo intenzivnije i uz temperaturu“, dodala je.

Aktivistkinja je objasnila da u Švedkoj ne možete da budete testirani na koronavirus, osim ako ste hitan slučaj. Svima ostalima koji se osećaju bolesno  se preporučuje da ostanu kod kuće i izoluju.

„Stoga nisam testirana, ali je vrlo verovatno da imam koronavirus, uzevši u obzir simptome i okolnosti. Ono što najviše zabrinjava je što se gotovo nisam osećala uopšte bolesno i želim da naglasim da je to glavna opasnost kod ovog virusa. Mnogi mladi ljudi ne znaju da imaju virus i zato je važno da budemo odgovorni zbog drugih oko sebe i izolujemo se“, zaključila je Greta Tunberg.


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The last two weeks I’ve stayed inside. When I returned from my trip around Central Europe I isolated myself (in a borrowed apartment away from my mother and sister) since the number of cases of COVID-19 (in Germany for instance) were similar to Italy in the beginning. Around ten days ago I started feeling some symptoms, exactly the same time as my father – who traveled with me from Brussels. I was feeling tired, had shivers, a sore throat and coughed. My dad experienced the same symptoms, but much more intense and with a fever. In Sweden you can not test yourself for COVID-19 unless you’re in need of emergent medical treatment. Everyone feeling ill are told to stay at home and isolate themselves. I have therefore not been tested for COVID-19, but it’s extremely likely that I’ve had it, given the combined symptoms and circumstances. Now I’ve basically recovered, but – AND THIS IS THE BOTTOM LINE: I almost didn’t feel ill. My last cold was much worse than this! Had it not been for someone else having the virus simultainously I might not even have suspected anything. Then I would just have thought I was feeling unusually tired with a bit of a cough. And this it what makes it so much more dangerous. Many (especially young people) might not notice any symptoms at all, or very mild symptoms. Then they don’t know they have the virus and can pass it on to people in risk groups. We who don’t belong to a risk group have an enormous responsibility, our actions can be the difference between life and death for many others. Please keep that in mind, follow the advice from experts and your local authorities and #StayAtHome to slow the spread of the virus. And remember to always take care of each other and help those in need. #COVID #flattenthecurve

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